VAHTS Stranded mRNA-seq Library Prep Kit for Illumina

VAHTS Stranded mRNA-seq Library Prep Kit for Illumina

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$1,260.00 CAD
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$1,260.00 CAD
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Kit composition

• Precise measurement of strand Orientation

• Ideal Kit for complex plant template

• Identical protocol with Illumina TruSeq Stranded mRNA Sample Prep Kit

• Optimization for large fragments

• High consistency with Illumina reagent.

VAHTS Stranded mRNA-seq Library Prep Kitfor Illumina® is designed for strand specific transcriptome library preparation, ideal for high throughput sequencing. The stranded kit is different from other library construction methods because dUTP is already included in the 2 nd strand cDNA synthesis and is digested by uracil-DNA glycosylase(UDG) prior to PCR amplification. As a result, only information from the 1 st strand cDNA is preserved. Data analysis of highthroughput sequencing will provide strand specific (i.e. from sense or anti-sense DNA) information in addition to standard transcriptome information.

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