miEASY microRNA Kit

miEASY microRNA Kit

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$262.50 CAD
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$262.50 CAD
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miEASY microRNA Blood/Serum/Plasma Kit is a Blood microRNA extraction kit. Similar to Qiagen miRNeasy* Serum/Plasma /whole blood Kit. In addition to Serum and plasma, our miEASY kit can also be used to isolate miRNA from whole blood.

For purification of cell-free total RNA, including miRNA, from animal and human plasma and serum

• Internal control available for normalization

• Minimal elution volume

• High-purity RNA suitable for all downstream applications

• Easy, robust procedures

• Automatable protocol

The MiEasy Serum/Plasma Kit is designed for purification of cell-free total RNA — primarily miRNA and other small RNA — from small volumes of serum and plasma. RNA from serum and plasma typically consists of molecules <100 nucleotides.

*miRNeasy is a name of similar product of Qiagen

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