The Easyspin RNAExtration Kit(same as Qiagen RNeasy* Mini Kit 74104) offers a fast and easy way to extract high quality RNA from tissues and cells. The whole process is phenol/chloroform-free. The unique lysis buffer immediately lyses biological samples and inactivates RNase and DNase. Ethanol is added to the lysate to provide appropriate binding conditions for RNA, and RNA selectively binds to the silica-membrane of the RNA column in the high-salt buffer. RNA is purified through a series of wash-spin steps to remove protein followed by elution of RNA from silica membrane with RNase-free H2O.
1. Fast procedure delivering high-quality total RNA in minutes
2. Ready-to-use RNA for high performance in any downstream application
3. Consistent RNA yields from small amounts of starting material
4. High-performance RNA for sensitive applications
5. No phenol/chloroform extraction, no CsCl gradients, no LiCl or ethanol precipitation
*Qiagen RNeasy is a name used by Qiagen for similar products.