EasyPure® Bacteria Genomic DNA Kit

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EasyPure® Bacteria Genomic DNA Kit

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$160.92 CAD
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$160.92 CAD
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Product Details

EasyPure® Bacteria Genomic DNA Kit uses lysozyme and moderate lysis buffer to lyse cells. Proteinase K is used for protein digestion and RNase A used for RNA digestion. DNA is specifically bound to silica-based column in hypersaline condition, and DNA is eluted by low salt and high pH solution. This kit is suitable for isolating high quality genomic DNA from Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The isolated DNA is suitable for PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, and Southern blot.

• Fast: the whole process can be completed in 50 minutes.
• High yield: DNA yield up to 20 μg.

Includes RNAase. 

PCR, restriction enzyme digestion and Southern blot

at room temperature (15-25°C) in a dry place for one year.


at room temperature.

Product Contents

Component EE161-01 (50 rxns) EE161-11 (50 rxns)
Resuspension Buffer11 (RB11) 12 ml 12 ml
Lysis Buffer11 (LB11) 6 ml 6 ml
Binding Buffer11 (BB11) 10 ml 10 ml
Clean Buffer 11 (CB11) 55 ml 55 ml
Wash Buffer 11 (WB11) 12 ml 12 ml
Elution Buffer (EB) 25 ml 25 ml
RNase A (10 mg/ml) 1 ml 0
Proteinase K (20 mg/ml) 1 ml 1 ml
Genomic Spin Columns with Collection Tubes 50 each 50 each


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